Esercizio #6: L’INCHINO

Esercizio #6: L’INCHINO from ilario caliendo on Vimeo.

Ilario Caliendo
Esercizio #6: L’INCHINO.

Esercizio #6:

inchino[in-chì-no] s.m.
Atto di riverenza, consistente nel piegare il busto abbassando il capo e, talvolta, accennando a una genuflessione: fare un i.

API by + aria di una pièce teatrale + tutorial addestramento cinofilo + spezzoni di telegiornale.

Exercise #6:
L’INCHINO – Bowing

To bow
to lower (one’s head) or bend (one’s knee or body) as a sign of respect, greeting, assent, or shame. to bend or cause to bend; incline downwards.
inchino[in-chì-no] s.m.

API by + rune of a theatrical work + dog training tutorial + clips of Television News.

“What is this exercise for?
Like all the exercises we teach it is useful for strengthening collaboration.
To improve mutual reading, then learn how to communicate better.

Let’s stand it up.
Ok, let’s get back dooooownnnn. Bow.

This position is called “downward facing dog”.

To use it for example with friends it could be fun to make gestural signals too.

I make it again.
Down towards the paws. Good!

And let’s get back dooooownnnn. Good!”